Sarah Jamil Writes

"Whatever you do, always give 100%. Unless you're donating blood." – Bill Murray

About Me

My name is Sarah Jamil, and as highly as I may think of myself, to write (or in other words: boast) about my strengths is not in my wheelhouse. So, instead of trying to market myself and sound painstakingly robotic, let me just tell you where I came from.

But, why should you even care?

Frankly, I don’t quite know. I’d like to think I’ve found my niche in the art of being a wordsmith, even if my sentences do run a little long. Somehow, I’ve managed to pull my head together and crank out quite a number of articles for Drake University’s student publications, where I am soon to be an alum. Not quite comforting for someone who’s got to work through an international student visa in the post-grad chapter, but that’s a conversation I’ll save for later. The Times-Delphic saw my expertise in pushing deadlines and thought me to be appropriate as their breaking news manager, covering all the happenings of Des Moines. It’s a trust I’ve built with Drake Magazine too, and I place any recognition I’ve garnered at the feet of my editors for even giving me a chance.

So imagine my surprise when the Dotdash Meredith apprenticeship comes knocking on my doorstep. It is one thing to say you’d like to snag those bylines in magazines like Better Homes and Gardens (BHG), People, and Real Simple. I mean, need I say more? It’s a whole other ball game though, to see the inner-workings of some of America’s top publications. I was lucky enough to work with their commerce team and immerse myself into the creative, analytical end of shopping content. And yes, this is definitely more of a brag – I’ve managed to hit the bylines of both BHG and Real Simple. Having grown up with Better Homes and Gardens, the red and white quilted cookbook a staple in my mother’s kitchen, it meant a whole lot to see my name in a place we both resonated with.

Circling back to the initial question though: why should you even care? Well, I don’t have the strongest argument to pin on my forehead, but I’d like to think with all I have been so blessed to do as a magazine media student, I’m not too bad at writing. In fact, I think I’m pretty good at it actually, but that may be my big Sarah Jamil ego talking.

Sarah Jamil at the Iowa State Fair with a statue of a pig.

Back to where I came from.

Now, don’t be mistaken by the pig statue I’m posing by in this photo. As you may have guessed, I am no American. All the way across the world in the Southeast Asian region, you may know of a country called Malaysia. If you don’t, you probably know our next door neighbor, Singapore. And if that’s the case, the fact that you can spot a country that is a mere dot on the world map and not the one next to it, that’s at least visible – well, we may have a problem. That’s not the point, though. I hail from our traffic jam-packed, skyscraper-filled capital city, Kuala Lumpur.

As a slightly lost, constantly dazed student back in high school, I attended a journalism camp in Genting Highlands about an hour out from my hometown, and it snapped me out of feeling displaced. A reporter’s notepad and pen in hand, interviewing the manager of the largest laundromat in Southeast Asia, I hadn’t known that taking a creative’s perspective would allow me to pay attention to all the nuances of our world, uncovering the stories in between the trendy headlines. The feeling of having a byline published is unmatched, not just the accomplishment in having achieved something for myself, but having told a story. Let’s just say, a new version of Sarah Jamil bloomed, and I never had to question what I was going to do with my life ever again.

So, why Iowa you ask? The answer is simple – Drake University. I’m not going to sit here and pretend you’ll find the most crackling fireworks in Des Moines, but in the solace of a fairly quiet, small city, I have been able to blossom into my own mind, and find my confidence. Of course, with a little help of my friends and professors. Fun fact: Drake University is my mother’s alma matter. Having known that for my whole life, I almost chose to be the arrogant child that would say, “if you went to Drake, I’m not gonna go there.” But, after a visit from a Drake advisor at the college I was attending back home, a few cups of coffee, an insight to their journalism program and most importantly, a promise of financial aid later, I finally gave in to my resistance. And, I’m glad. I had dreams of going to a big state school in a much bigger and busier city than Des Moines, but if I had done so, it would’ve had the opposite effect – I think I would’ve completely lost myself.

Anyhow, that’s my long-winded, mildly artificial introduction to all surface-level things about me, Sarah Jamil. If you’d like to reach out to inquire more about my work, or if you are so keen in judging me by my taste in music, feel free to drop me a message in my contact page.

Have a good day or night folks, wherever you may be.